Last week the students from first grade learnt how to recycle paper.
First and second grade went to hunt chocolate eggs
Last day in London for our 4th of ESO students!They have loved it. Our students are tired but very very happy!
2nd day of our 4th ESO students in London. They visited Camden Town and the Royal and political part of London. They also rode on the London Eye.
Els alumnes de 3r d'ESO han començat el projecte de Geometria. Han estat mesurant el pavelló i el terrat. Ara toca aprendre a fer un pressupost i tenir molta creativitat.
The students of 4th of ESO had a fantastic time yesterday on their first day visiting London despite the cloudy weather. They visited Soho, Leicester Square, Carnaby Street, Piccadilly Circus, China Town, Regent Street and Oxford Street.
Aquest dissabte, 6 d'abril, el Marçal, el Martí i el Jan, han participat a la fase final del concurs de matemàtiques MATERRASSA.
Els alumnes de la matèria de Llatí de 4t d'ESO i batxillerat han visitat les ruïnes arqueològiques de l'antiga Tàrraco.