Shelters and farm in Can Pou / Refugis i granja a Can Pou
Visit to the farm of Can Pou with creation of shelters and visit to the animals. / Visita a la granja de Can Pou amb creació de refugis i visita als animals.
The students from 5th grade visited Can Pou, in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, where they learnt how to build shelters in the forest and enjoyed feeding some animals from the farm (sheep, goats, rabbits, etc.). A fantastic day in nature! / Els estudiants de 5è van visitar Can Pou, a Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, on van aprendre a construir refugis al bosc i van gaudir alimentant alguns animals de la granja (ovelles, cabres, conills, etc.). Un dia fantàstic a la natura!